[Loch-Ruadh] Home safe

Dana sca004 at sbcglobal.net
Sun Feb 3 08:56:18 PST 2008

Thanks to everyone, especially Amber & Padraig for hosting such a rowdy and
rambunctious group of people.

The food was outstanding, I don't know how but it gets better with every
party!!  The evening was relaxing, laid back and so much fun!!

We were very blessed with many faces we haven't seen in a while. It was so
good to see them joining us and being able to catch up with their busy

I am sure we will see many of those ugly, unwanted, unusable and stupid
gifts turn up again next year. After an absence of many years the famous
"salt & pepper chickens" made a spectacular return.

The gift exchange started out slowly but soon there was much stealing (I
even heard some conniving deals being made!), laughter, some red faced
moments and Sybil just didn't need to return to her seat!! I'm sure we will
see some very interesting pictures, as Amber had a camera!!

I hope everyone enjoyed the evening as much as I did.

Mama Mac

AKA...*¨¨*:.(¯`'.¸ Dana ¸.'´¯) .:*¨¨*

Janie wrote:
Eoghan and I are home safe. Had a great time at the party. Thank you Amber
and Padraig for opening your home to us. And thank you House Mac for


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