[Loch-Ruadh] Oct populace meeting notes

Loch Ruadh Seneschal lochruadhseneschal at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 18 07:44:40 PDT 2008

Sorry it took so long to get these out. I've been exceedingly busy mundanely. 

Populace Meeting, Oct 1, 2008

Items addressed:


Bice' passed out copies of the budget to the populace. She has more copies if anyone who didn't get one wants one. 
Chamberlain has no budget, items will be approved by the populace as needs arise.
Archery insurance was moved from Archery budget to general funds.
Budget vote was originally to be held at November populace, but was changed to tonight since it must be sent to the Regional Excheqer by Oct 31. 
Please forward questions to the Senechal.

Event 2009:

Bids for event ideas will be due at November Officer's meeting. If you have an idea for an event please select a date, theme, budget and site and turn it in.
Officers will cull bids if there are several and present them to the populace for vote at December populace.
Previous vote on October date was brought up. Because of time restrictions (it being approx a year or less for an event to be scheduled) we must as a group remain flexible on all issues concerning a 2009 event.
Please forward all questions to the Senechal. If you call before 6:30 or 7 please leave a message and your call will be returned.

Officer Reports:

7 people at practice last week. Practice will be held this coming Sunday. There has been a steady 5-7 people at practices.


Needleworkers Guild:
Garb swap went well. Lots of garb was swapped, about 15-20 people attended. Last meeting was cancelled.
nothing to report

Wire weaving class was taught at last Fighter Practice. Next Fighter Practice a Lucet weaving class will be taught.


Color copies of Scarlet Letter available at meeting. Submissions for next issue due October 20.


End of September we had 1344.99 in bank account. We received $500.00 deposit back from Canton site for Lughnasad. Currently we have $2039.74. Bice' and Dana took Exchequer class this past Saturday.


Currently no action has been taken on getting the Ember badge passed. Action will be taken by November populace.


no report

Knight Marshall:

Fighter practice Sunday and the second Thursday at Padraig's.
Need to schedule an armor workshop to repair loaner armor.

Virtual Scribe:

If you see something wrong with the webpages, please email Caerell. If you want your name added to the populace list, please email your name exactly as you want it to appear. Officers: please submit changes to your pages or the gnomes will take over your page.

Old business:

no report

New business:

Gruffydd suggested Terrance as the new keeper of the ballista to be picked up on Sunday.

Bjorn needs a new home for his trebuchet. It is currently not SCA legal, but could be made to be. Longest piece is 10 ft. He has the plans for it.

Sean wants to camp at Three Kings, is anybody camping? He does not want to camp alone.

Alric to donate 3 burner stove to shire.

If you have entered any A&S competitions in the past month, please contact Terrance.

Terrance's cousin's husband was killed in a helicopter crash in Iraq. Please keep the family in your thoughts. 

At November Officer's meeting a time will be chosen for a Gulf War meeting to select next year's coordinators and to discuss a gate trip.

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