[Loch-Ruadh] Needleworkers' Guild Cancelled

Klfrench1023 at aol.com Klfrench1023 at aol.com
Tue Sep 23 12:45:12 PDT 2008

Due to unforeseen circumstances, Needleworkers' Guild is canceled  tonight.  
Please forgive the inconvenience, and I will see you all on  October 14th.  We 
will be having an open project night, so if you have any  garb needing 
alterations, this would be the time to bring it.  
Soon the northern winds will be blowing, and the Yule season will be upon  
us.  Be thinking of what you might want to make for Yule, so that we can  plan 
appropriately.  HE Ameline has also offered to teach a naalbinding  class this 
winter, which is very exciting (to Me!) so that we can have period  socks to 
go with our period shoes.
At the first fighter practice next month, we will have a class on Lucet  
cordmaking, so please bring one if you have it.  If you have extras, please  bring 
one to share.  We will meet at Z Boaz park at 10:30 am.
See you soon!

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