[Loch-Ruadh] Agenda Items for Officer's Meeting

Padraig Ruad O'Maolagain padraig_ruad at irishbard.org
Mon Jul 13 08:44:06 PDT 2009

Some things to think about in advance of Officer's Meeting on Wednesday:
1)  Storage Shed / Pavilions - we need to redo how we have things stacked/placed in the storage shed at Aingeal and Caerell's, as well as scheduling some time to paint/seal the floor.  We also need to get the pavilions/poles out and do another match up, renewing or relabelling colors if/as necessary.
2)  Event planning - we have secured the October 2010 date with a place-holder event name.  This is not set in stone, either the name or the date, but event bids need to be written and proposals for event name/type, possible alternate dates or locations, etc., so that we can make a final decision.
3)  Yule Revel - I will try to have more information on where we are with this.  I would like to move forward with it, but we have to get DFT off the dime and committed to what is actually going to happen.
4)  Gulf War Land Trip - I propose a Labor Day weekend trip (primarily because I still have no vacation time and that's going to be the only time in the near future that I can devote some real time to the effort).  We'll discuss other options and get a trip date set up.  We have put too much time and effort into that piece of land to let it go by the wayside.

Contact me with any other matters that need to be discussed.
Remember that while Officers are required to be at Officer's Meeting, it is open to anyone who wishes to attend.
Incoming Seneschal
Nunc Est Bibendum
Politicians prefer unarmed peasants.
Live free or die: Death is not the worst of evils.
- John Stark


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