[Loch-Ruadh] Home from War

Kazimierz Złowieszczy kazoflr at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 07:05:54 PDT 2009

Duckie and I have dubbed this war "Trailerbane Suckwar".

If you want to hear the stories, please ask someone else. I never want to
repeat the tales of the trailers or the trip again. I am trying to blot this
entire experience out of my mind.

By the way, we arrived home safely, got two whole hours sleep and I am now
at work GLARING through bright red eyes at everyone who dares to wish me a
"Good Morning".

Padraig, if you have an Irish Blessing for bloodshot eyes, I could use two
of them.

Pan Kazimierz Złowieszczy
Lordy Lord Kaz the Sinister and CRANKY

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