[Loch-Ruadh] Gulf War

Alric And Fiona sidhe01 at swbell.net
Wed Mar 4 03:27:29 PST 2009


Load put for war is this Saturday. If you are carrying Shire stuff to War you need to be there at 11 to pickup the items you said you would transport.  This is what I have as to who has volunteered to bring what.


         3 Dish Pans:          Gruffydd,
         2 Drink Coolers (water):         Alric, Jennifer
         Large Coffee Pots         Gruffydd, Cait 

         Stove:          Gruffydd
Hose:          Gruffydd
Water Faucet:         Gruffydd
Brass Y connector:         Cait (2)
Garage Pavilions:

                  Alric (1)
                  Gruffydd (1)
                  Cait -(1)
Sheet Walls 18 -   Alric
List Poles for Walls (36)           Kazmirez

                  List field rope
Kitchen Tables          (12):
                  Alric - 2
                  Gruffydd - 3
                  Kazmirez - 4 

                  Cait - 3

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