[Loch-Ruadh] Yule Planning Meting Notes

Kathy dkv250 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Oct 13 19:24:12 PDT 2009

Yule will next be discussed at Officers Meeting.
Please see the Work Days section of these notes for dates, times, and locations for Work Days
Planning Meeting
Held Saturday October 10, 2009. This meeting was attended by the Autocrats, 4 coordinators, and 4 Shire members
7:00 pm dessert meeting
Mistress Caterina’s
To be done:
Write up schedule
Plan a meeting with Tor
Determine the Court Herald
Invitations: Mistress Caterina has heard from Eleanor that she is designing an invitation submission.
Pot-Luck: Vivian- How many tables have been used in the past for feast?
Donations of power cords will be accepted
Use Black/Red sheets for table cloths
Set-up/Tear-down: Terrence and Robbie
Are there brooms and ladders available on site or do we need our own?
What forms of materials can be used to put up walls and tapestries? 
Children's Activities: Tegwared and Cait- many activities were suggested and discussed. 
Royal Liaison: Caterina and Rose- Contact will be made with the Royals before Officers. 
Web-page: Caerell- 
 Site-Tokens: TJ (DFT) and Floria- TJ is casting 125 tokens for the event gate. Need to know when they will be available for stringing.
DFT Autocrat/Coordinator: Ravenger- Kaz will make contact to ask questions and schedule a meeting with Tor
 Titled Bard Competition: Brigid- 
 Gate/Troll: Bice
Coffee: Dana
A&S OOPS Competition: Caterina- 
Need to determine Blackstar deadline for 2 page ad
Kaz will send teasers to Ansteorra Announce and local groups
Catrin will write a submission for the Scarlet Letter
Titled Bard Competition: Format TBD by current Titled-Bard 
OOPS Competition: Format as in the past two years
Children's Activities: Activities to be determined 
Musician's/Performer's "Loft":  We will use an E-Z Up to define the performance area and will be looking for the donation of a seamstress’ body double to dress in period garb to mask the bard in a box.
A Period Gaming Area: 
Pot-Luck Feast: Need power strips to use in feast area.
Sybil is donating tea and lemonade
Toy Drive: The discussion during the meeting indicated that while this is a wonderful idea and something that would make an excellent activity for the Shire. We would be unable to do justice to the effort for Yule Revel. Slating this activity as part of next year’s October event would give us time for adequate planning, advertisement, and execution. 
DFTs activities will include: Titled Artisan Competition, Raffle, and Table Decorating Contest. 
Atmosphere and Ambience
We would like to decorate the Hall using the "Stone" sheet walls gifted to the Shire by William and Cassandra, additional walls, banners, and tapestries as loaned for use, artificial greenery as loaned or donated, battery operated candles as loaned or donated, and mistletoe. It is proposed that we set up a tree for the children to decorate, and use a Yule Log to add to the atmosphere (perhaps a ceremonial lighting to announce Feast). When donating items that need to be returned please mark them clearly with your name for ease of return. These donations can be delivered to Kaz or Catrin.
Work Days:
10/18/09 at Mistress Caterina’s- 10:00 AM until we finish or run out of steam. We will work on the manikin for the performance area, paint walls and or banners, finalize the Comp. and Invitations lists, and write up the 2 page ad.
Scribes- 11/02 Invitation painting
11/15/09 at Kaz and Antonia’s- 10:00 AM until done. We will complete work on walls and banners, and hopefully string site tokens.
11/28 or 11/29 at Caerell and Aingeal’s Equipment load out will be done the same day as the shed clean out.
All Shire tables (Feast, A&S Comps, Raffle, Gate)
Ask for loan of House Mac tables
All sheet walls, banners, table runners, black/red sheets, and decorative pennants
EZ Up to set up for Musician/Performer's Loft
 The donation of prizes, supplies, materials, decorations, and time is essential to both the quality of our presentation and the bottom line profit on the event. Every item and/or minute donated by the populace adds to the smooth running and feel of the event as well as increasing our profit. Donate how and as you can, remembering that no donation is too small. 

Loch Ruadh Rocks! 

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