[Loch-Ruadh] Heralds OFFICE OPEN FOR BIDS

George (Alric) sidhe01 at swbell.net
Tue Mar 19 17:59:42 PDT 2013


At Populace the last, I announced that my office Loch - Ruadh Pursuivant also known as the Herald is now open for bids.  Bids to close at the June Populace.  If you have any questions of what is involved in being the group’s Herald, please contact me.  OR if you want to put in a bid, you will need 4 copies of the bid form.  Two copies to me so I can send one to the Eclipse Herald, one for the Seneschal and one for yourself.

I remain YIS

HL Alric Morgannwgg
Loch Ruadh’s Herald

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