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Sat Apr 5 05:05:11 PDT 2014

"I walked out that night and heard the drums, looked up into the sky
The stars were blazing in the dark; it pulled from me a sigh.
The moment held and then was etched upon my mind, for me to know and love
This is what I came here for, I thought, this beauty like a dove...."

The children ran about it all, this special time for them
A time of magic and of charm, among the fighting men
They dash, they shout, they cheer them on, then wade into the fray
And carry needed water out, assisting all through out the day

The dogs had coursed, the horses ran and still the men did fight
Each child looked on with wonderment, eyes filling with such sights
Of light that blazes off the helm, a swiftly flying arrow
They too flit about the camps that day, darting like the sparrows

And in the night the drummers drum, you feel the haunting beat
The clang of tiny cymbals ring, the drumming hennaed feet
You lay within the tent at night, listen as they call
The towers ring with merriment, the men stand ten feet tall

The week soon rushes swiftly by, first the rapier and archer
Then heavy fighters fill the list in front of the graying tower
Ballista fly and horses squeal, women shout their name of favor
And in the night they tell the tales, adding spice and flavor

"Did you see my lord this day?  Of cunning and great wit!"
"And that one there, oh do you see?  The strength of such a hit!"
"I swear I winced when I heard the blow, better him than me-"
"Were you there when we did this?  And did you really see..."

In the dark the crowd came near, assembled at the gates of gray
A looming shadow in the night, the bards began to play
Flaming symbols whipped in the wind; one could feel their mighty heat
As a chilling mist came down again, the people huddled in their seats

That final night, the grandest one, after all the dust had settled
Great were those called into court, for showing strength and mettle
Such was the display of the royal court,  the grandest display seen
The finest collection of warriors, bards, artists, scribes and men.

In the morn, as we all packed, groups of people milled around
Tents lay all about, new gowns and armor on the ground
On the side a group of friends, newly united unto a cause
And traveling round the bustling site, a person would hesitate then pause

New lovers took their first farewell; long honeyed hair cascaded down
Old campaigners discussed their routes, smiles and then a frown
No one wanted to be the first to go, the first to break the spell
But finally all was packed; the hot sun slanting shadows fell

We left all in a rumbling group, a long caravan of friends
One never knows who won the War, or if it ever ends
We resolve to meet once more, upon a field of honor
To resolve the war again, with wit and sweat and armor

But as we finally lay down at last, snug in our homes and beds
Drums beat again with in the night, blood pumping in our heads
And in the final mist of sleep, smokey fires reddening the night
The blaze of sun off a helm, flags snapping in the light-----

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