sorry it is late, but congratulations Alric on your promotion. My computer is down and has been for 3 weeks now, WAAAAAAAA. I am having to check n=my e-mail at Dad's house when I can. If anyone needs an imediate response to a question from me, call for now. Vivian -- DONALD H MCKINNON wrote: As most of you know, His Majesty Mahdi has authorized the Ansteorran Navy. Lord Haddock of Namron is the Lord High Admiral, Naval Commander. At Beltane last week end, our own Lord Alric Morganwgg was commission Rear Admiral in command of the Southern Fleet. The Southern Fleet includes most of Texas. I wish to lead us all in a large VIVAT for Admiral Alric. Gruffydd Mawr ap Rodri, Herald, Loch Ruadh