Ways we learn The SCA has always been a place to learn and show off our learning. Traditionally there has been two ways which this learning and sharing has taken place. The first has been the conventional form of classes, and contests. . The second way we have shared knowledge is by showing how arts and sciences were used in the Middle Ages by putting them into context of our Medieval World that we have created. You can write a paper on Beowulf and perform it at A&S or you can try telling it to a bunch of Norsemen around a fire. You can teach spinning in a contained classroom or you can sit in a tavern and spin. You can do Shakespeare at a contest with set judges or you can try to entertain people at a feast. One is very controlled and safe while the other means you could have old fruit throw at you. At this time we have a healthy range of conventional classes and contests for about every form of arts and science. Almost every event is filled with this kind of teaching and learning venues. Because these activities take very little imagination and creativity and are understood by people familiar with the modern world they are the most commonly organized events. The other kind of teaching and activity isn’t as easy to arrange. Ideally it should feel spontaneous. Things should just happen. The problem is that these activities are not natural and they need planning. They need time to happen and situations that seem natural. They require many people working together and an organizer with a flair for the dramatic. There are many groups with study history and historical arts and sciences, but the SCA was the only group that studied these things with our “learning and doing” slant. We lose a part of our magic when we going away from that particular way of doing things. We need to think of ways we can bring this form of learning back into our system. I know it will be hard because we have gotten out of practice. Some of our ancient people remember how it was done and I am sure we can help. If you would be interested in trying organize some “learning by doing” activities I would be willing to help. Duchess Willow de Wisp ________________________________________________________________________ Try Juno Platinum for Free! Then, only $9.95/month! Unlimited Internet Access with 1GB of Email Storage. Visit http://www.juno.com/value to sign up today!