[Loch-soilleir] Cookery Recipes by Clara

Sandra Jakl kieralady2 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 15 19:42:38 PDT 2004

The recipes were requested and here's what I made:

Cheese Goo (Savory Toasted Cheese) from Cariadoc's

Savoury Tosted or Melted Cheese
Digby p. 228/177

Cut pieces of quick, fat, rich, well tasted cheese,
(as the best of Brye, Cheshire, &c. or sharp thick
Cream-Cheese) into a dish of thick beaten melted
Butter, that hath served for Sparages or the like, or
pease, or other boiled Sallet, or ragout of meat, or
gravy of Mutton: and, if you will, Chop some of the
Asparages among it, or slices of Gambon of Bacon, or
fresh-collops, or Onions, or Sibboulets, or Anchovis,
and set all this to melt upon a Chafing-dish of Coals,
and stir all well together, to Incorporate them; and
when all is of an equal consistence, strew some gross
White-Pepper on it, and eat it with tosts or crusts of
White-bread. You may scorch it at the top with a hot

1/2 lb butter
1/2 lb cream cheese
1/8 lb Brie or other strongly flavored cheese
1/4 t white pepper

Melt the butter. Cut up the cheese and stir it into
the butter over low heat. You will probably want to
use a whisk to blend the two together and keep the
sauce from separating (which it is very much inclined
to do). When you have a uniform, creamy sauce you are
done. You may serve it over asparagus or other
vegetables, or over toast; if you want to brown the
top, put it under the broiling unit in your stove for
a minute or so. Experiment with some of the variations
suggested in the original.

Period Lasagna (The quick and dirty version):(very
loosely based on The Medieval Kithchen  by Redon,
Sabban and Serventi, pg 58-60)

Spice Mixture: 1/2 t. ground cardamon, 1/2 t. nutmeg,
1/8 t. gound black pepper, 1/8 t. ground cinnamon

Boil lasagna noodles per package directions. Pour
olive oil into bottom of 11 x 17 baking dish. Layer 
noodles, parmesan cheese and pinches of spice, repeat
until you run out of noodles and cheese.

I used the whole cup of the grated parmesan that you
get at the store.

Bake in the oven until the cheese is melted.

Cut into squares or diamond shapes.

Serve it forth!

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