[Loch-soilleir] History Display at Argent Anniversary

Steelquist, John F John.F.Steelquist at boeing.com
Thu Jul 1 09:03:32 PDT 2004

I saw that there'll be various 'old folks' lounging about and talking history at the museum.  Wouldn't it be thoughtful of us to provide seating, say near the Loch table, in these large, white chairs?  (I can still grab 1 or both of the old Loch thrones.  Lord knows they don't get used for anything else (other than as a shelf in the shed)...).  I'm hauling Alexis' large trailer, so I should have plenty of space.

-----Original Message-----
From: Elizabeth Combs [mailto:ecombs79 at hotmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, July 01, 2004 10:58 AM
To: loch-solleir at ansteorra.org
Subject: Re: [Loch-soilleir] History Display at Argent Anniversary


Okay, we are only allowed to bring up 5 items (or 5 groups of items) for the History Display.  So the 5 items that I have selected are:

1. the original coronets
2. the Loch Flock (the big ones and the little ones)
3. pictures from Ginevra and anybody else who has photos they would like to share
4. the Serpent's Tales and Loch & Dams
5. the shields from Bors and Anne

I will be drapping the banners from Bors and William on the table, sort of like tablecloths.  I will also be making signs to go with all of the items.

See ya'll at Argent!



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