[Loch-soilleir] Coffee Pot and Apple Juice

Bill Butler chemistbb3 at yahoo.com
Fri Nov 19 05:22:20 PST 2004

I believe the apple juice is at Cateau's.  I will be
going to the storage shed most, likely on Friday
before Yule.  Do you need the coffee pot before then?


--- Elizabeth Combs <ecombs79 at hotmail.com> wrote:



I need the apple juice that was bought for Tourney and
the coffee pot.  Are they both in the storage shed? 
If so, is anybody going to the shed before Yule and
can he or she get those items for me?


Bashir: Out of all the stories you told me, which ones
were true and which ones weren't?
Garak: My dear doctor they were all true.
Bashir: Even the lies?
Garak: Especially the lies.
- "The Wire," Deep Space Nine


>From: loch-solleir-request at ansteorra.org >Reply-To:
loch-solleir at ansteorra.org >To:
loch-solleir at ansteorra.org >Subject: Loch-solleir
Digest, Vol 10, Issue 16 >Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004
12:09:19 -0600 > >Send Loch-solleir mailing list
submissions to > loch-solleir at ansteorra.org > >To
subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body
'help' to > loch-solleir-request at ansteorra.org > >You
can reach the person managing the list at >
loch-solleir-owner at ansteorra.org > >When replying,
please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
>than "Re: Contents of Loch-solleir digest..." > >
>Today's Topics: > > 1. Re: populace meeting night
(Baronman at aol.com) > 2. Re: populace meeting night
(Bill Butler) > 3. Re: populace meeting night
(lisabetta at kjsl.com) > >
> >Message: 1 >Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2004 18:09:05 EST
>From: Baronman at aol.com >Subject: Re: [Loch-soilleir]
populace meeting night >To: loch-solleir at ansteorra.org
>Message-ID: <30.65c8da01.2ecd3411 at aol.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" > >Guess
that puts into the proper perspective. The three votes
for Tuesday >night win! >-------------- next part
-------------- >An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
> >------------------------------ > >Message: 2 >Date:
Wed, 17 Nov 2004 16:08:27 -0800 (PST) >From: Bill
Butler <chemistbb3 at yahoo.com> >Subject: Re:
[Loch-soilleir] populace meeting night >To: Loch
Soilleir Announcements <loch-solleir at ansteorra.org>
<20041118000827.3430.qmail at web51604.mail.yahoo.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > > >---
Merilee Fong <melessant at yahoo.com> wrote: > > > I have
spoken to the park management about changing > > our
meeting night. The only nights available are > > (the
current) 3rd Tuesday, 1st Tuesday, or 4th > > Monday.
> > > > Lessa > > Seneschal > > > >If I remember
right, the decission was with a first >and second
choice depending on the availablilty of the >hall.
Wednesday was the first choice and Tuesday was >the
second choice. So I guess we keep the meeting >date
the same as it is now. We might want to keep an >eye
out to see if the Wednesday comes open in the >future.
> >William > > >
>Do You Yahoo!? >Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the
best spam protection around >http://mail.yahoo.com > >
>------------------------------ > >Message: 3 >Date:
Wed, 17 Nov 2004 16:20:18 -0800 (PST) >From:
lisabetta at kjsl.com >Subject: Re: [Loch-soilleir]
populace meeting night >To: "Loch Soilleir
Announcements" <loch-solleir at ansteorra.org>
<3708. at skylane.kjsl.com>
>Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1 > >Or
check into some of the other commuinty centers and see
their openings.. > >although with that being said we
would need a good two month time period >before we
change so that the word is out there > > > >betta > >
> > --- Merilee Fong <melessant at yahoo.com> wrote: > >
> >> I have spoken to the park management about
changing > >> our meeting night. The only nights
available are > >> (the current) 3rd Tuesday, 1st
Tuesday, or 4th > >> Monday. > >> > >> Lessa > >>
Seneschal > >> > > > > If I remember right, the
decission was with a first > > and second choice
depending on the availablilty of the > > hall.
Wednesday was the first choice and Tuesday was > > the
second choice. So I guess we keep the meeting > > date
the same as it is now. We might want to keep an > >
eye out to see if the Wednesday comes open in the > >
future. > > > > William > > > > > > > >
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>Loch-solleir mailing list >Loch-solleir at ansteorra.org
> > >End of Loch-solleir Digest, Vol 10, Issue 16
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