[Loch-soilleir] Help Torre live once more

R. BONNER mythus at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 20 15:24:26 PDT 2004


I would like to get a regular fighters practice going in Torre once more and I am going to need a bit of help. So I am making the request that any and all persons that whish to help contact me at suren-unegen at mongounegen.com so we can make arrangements that will fit everyone’s schedule. Once we have a good time and place set I will start running ads in the local papers to try and build interest with the local populace. I would also like to start planning a demo for some time after Coronation anyone whishing to help in this area please contact me the above address. I will also be setting up a Torre mailing list on the Ansteorran.org mailing lists however; I am not sure how long it will take to become active I will let every one know when it is active. I am begging and pleading for you to help me breath life back into Torre I know that this is a wild dream but this is what the SCA is built on.

In Service to the Dream
Silver Fox Squadron
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