[Loch-soilleir] Tourney by the Loch Close-out

Steelquist, John F John.F.Steelquist at boeing.com
Mon Dec 5 16:37:14 PST 2005

Fair Season's Greetings,

Now that the wonderful day of Tourney by the Loch has past, and everyone
has returned to their homes, exhausted but with a smile on their faces,
it's time to ask for your receipts!

If you've got any outstanding expenses from the event, send me an email
and let me know how much, and I'll have the paperwork (& the check!)
ready for you at populace, maybe even at Loch Yule...


Oh, by the way - we had 105 adults and 22 children through gate, with 61
adults and 15 kids eating feast

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