[Loch-soilleir] Populace Meeting Locale?

Michael Silverhands silverhands at sbcglobal.net
Fri Nov 11 11:50:03 PST 2005

--- Bill Butler <chemistbb3 at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Address...  Hummmmm, I am sure there is one on the
> website, but....

I Googled for parks in Clear Lake, hoping to find an address I could feed to
MapQuest. I didn't find that (only spent a few minutes looking), but I did
find this:


It turns out that the Bay Area Divers meet at the same location, and they've
got a nice map (from MapQuest!) with directions (almost identical to Baron
William's) on their web page.

I hope this helps. :-)

Michael Silverhands

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