[Loch-soilleir] Back in the Loch

Merilee Fong melessant at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 25 13:18:10 PDT 2005

I pray that everyone has or will soon make it back safely to their homes. I've had my adventure traveling to and from Austin/Bryn Gwlad. I hope I never have to do it again.
Wyllow, thank you again for offering your hospitality to the barony.
P.S. Now, if I can only make it to work and back home tomorrow in a reasonable amount of time, I'll be happy.

Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh <wyllowmacm at netscape.net> wrote:
Well, we're back in Loch Soilleir. I have power/water/sewer, so life is great; my folks just regained their power a few hours ago. South Shore area seems the hardest hit, of course - even so, it's mostly tree limbs and loose shingles.

I'm conserving gas, and not going anywhere. If anyone else makes it back and discovers they are stuck in a hot house, please stop over for cold drinks and cooler breezes - as long as you need to. That goes for house animals, too. (Lady Katharyn, my heartfelt condolences on your losses!) 

Fiber Arts & UFOs will still be held on Monday, for anyone who has the energy, gas, and need to gather and compare situations - but I'm willing to start it earlier, for anyone interested in potluck. (i.e. Bring it to cook before it goes bad...) In fact, all day, if you need it.

In Service to my Barony,
--Wyllow of the Loch
207 Sweetgum, League City

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