[Loch-soilleir] Serpent's Tale

Tunello, Alyssa Alyssa.Tunello at escg.jacobs.com
Wed Dec 27 11:05:39 PST 2006

Ciao a Tutti,


I hope that this holiday season has brought you and your families many
warm memories and much joy.  January's Question of the month is a good
one for reflecting on our SCA year and remembering our favorite event.  


What was your favorite SCA Event of 2006?  Why?


Don't forget your Word of the month Sentence... 


Fealty - Solemn oath between a vassal and his liege, pledging service in
return for protection.


I can't wait to read and print your answers and sentences. 


Disclaimer:  Your answers will be published in the January issue of "The
Serpent's Tale" Newsletter for the Barony of Loch Soilleir... 



Alyssa Tunello

ESCG - Information Technology 

Ph: 281-461-5067

Pg: 281-621-3139

txt pg: 2816213139 at archwireless.net

alyssa.tunello at escg.jacobs.com <mailto:alyssa.tunello at escg.jacobs.com> 



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