[Loch-soilleir] TBTL Set-up

Bill Butler chemistbb3 at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 5 15:10:19 PDT 2006

9am Friday may be a wee bit early.  :)

9am Saturday is good though.


--- Donna Nesbit <themaefare at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Kim,
>   Torre is planning on having a hospitality section.
>  I have a pavillion.  Do I need to bring it or do
> you want us inside?  Also, I plan on setting up on
> Friday morning when we get there (about 9).  Is this
> ok?
>   Penelope
> "Kim K." <themightybruja at yahoo.com> wrote:
>   I will be picking up the key for the church at 3
> pm on
> Friday. Setup for the event will begin when people
> can
> get there to help, so please let me know the
> earliest
> time you are available and we will go from there.
> Joan
> God is a comedian playing to an audience that is
> afraid to laugh.
> Voltaire
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