[Loch-soilleir] Drachenstich - tabard/surcoate needed

Kim Tucker neassa at swbell.net
Fri Oct 13 14:21:06 PDT 2006

  I'll try to remember to throw in my fighting surcoat (red/blue Defenders of the Coast) or an Ansteorran tabard, but please also accept any other offer you are given, in case I don't make the event. :-)

Fergus Stout <bullheaded67 at yahoo.com> wrote:
  Greetings all,

My sewing project this week did not go as planned due to some timing issues. If anyone going to Drachenstich this weekend has an extra largish tabard or surcoate I could borrow to cover up the modern elements of my armour I would appreciate it. Could you please email me offlist?

Thank you.

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