[Loch-soilleir] kidney stones

Kathy Cofrin kcofrin at flash.net
Fri Mar 2 14:58:34 PST 2007

They hurt like a son of a b***h!
I am home now and fine.  Once the stone passes it
seems to hurt for a while just to let you know what a
frail human you are and then it's over.
Morphine is good. It takes longer to act than Demerol
but it makes the pain go away.  Makes me throw up
though. Oh well.
If I hadn't had to wait more than 4 hours to see a
doctor it wouldn't have been so bad.  The last time I
passed a stone I was in a room and on Demerol within a
half hour.  Of course now I fully realize the folly of
not following the doctor's orders to drink lemonade
and lots of water.  I think that from now on my
favorite drink is lemonade.

Kathy Cofrin
Baroness Katya

Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engins!

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