[Loch-soilleir] Tourney By the Loch Thank Yous - scrolls!

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Mon Oct 15 13:09:09 PDT 2007

HL Rhiannon painted an Otter as well.


On 10/15/07, Kimberly Langhans <sarapenrose at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the folks
> who have been attending Loch scribal nights. In
> addition to painting charters for the kingdom, the
> group also worked very hard on the scrolls for Tourney
> by the Loch - it was truly a group effort. We needed
> three championship scrolls, four Otters, and a
> Serpent's Toils for this event, which would be a heavy
> burden to bear for a single artisan alone.
> Fortunately, everyone pitched in and helped create
> some gorgeous scrolls!
> While I did design the Serpent's Toils master and
> callig the master for the championship scrolls, there
> was so much more work to do than that, requiring the
> talent and assistance of many loving hands. Thanks are
> due to our globetrotting friend Mahearra, who
> illuminated the master we use for the championship
> scrolls. The Dance scroll was painted by Wyllow, the
> Bardic scroll was painted by Anne, and the A&S scroll
> was an original illuminated by our wonderful champion
> from last year, Hanna van Dahl, and calligraphed by
> Mistress Stella Silvana. Hanna also graciously
> illuminated an original scroll for the Youth A&S
> champion, which was calligraphed by Baroness Alys
> Durivau.
> The master for the Otter was created by our very own
> lord Brian O hUilliam (his first scroll design!), and
> those scrolls were painted by an assortment of folks
> at scribal night (I think it was Hedwig, Anne, and
> Elizabeth Somerset). My own Otter scroll was painted
> by Brian himself. What a wonderful surprise! I can't
> wait to hang it on my wall at home.
> Our beloved Baroness Katya painted the Serpent's Toils
> for Mistress Neassa, and did a fabulous job of it!
> We also now have a small stash of painted Loch scrolls
> for future events, thanks to all of the folks above,
> and others, including Belle, Catelin Faelin (Candice),
> Hedwig, Karl, and whoever else I've forgotten!
> Thank you, everyone, for your help. Your enthusiasm,
> willingness to learn, and dedication are what makes
> scribal nights so much fun for me. I look forward to
> seeing you next time!
> With much appreciation,
> Sara

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