[Loch-soilleir] Fw: [Ansteorra] New feature in the online Order of Precedence - your help needed!

Sakura Riddle sakurariddle at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 18 17:06:28 PDT 2008

I know them
Jessica de Andalucia i see her almost every night 
Russel Jervis he is stationed in Baghdad right now. ~~Autumn Dickerson 

> From: rebevel at hotmail.com
> To: loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org
> Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 12:38:40 -0500
> Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Fw: [Ansteorra] New feature in the online Order of	Precedence - your help needed!
> *dusting off the cobwebs*
> This started me on a stroll down memory lane.  Is there anybody out there
> who remembers these Loch folk?
> Sir Rurik Ivarsson (HL Gisla's husband)
> Sir Dinaris & Countess Marguerite (they live on Blackhawk)
> Jessica de Andalucia
> Russel Jervis
> Elizabeth Harcourt
> Emory Hay
> Erik Sigrudson
> Diego Miguel Munoz .... (he's in Aethelmarc now)
> Tegan Rhos (Don Wolfgang's wife)
> David Quitacre
> Isadora de Alba
> Ivan von Kleist
> Sela von Kleist
> Mahee of Acre
> Raven of Firefall
> Boetwin von Schlossenburg
> Jason of Loch Soilleir (aka Jason the Plain, or just plain Jason)
> Rainair the Illegitimate (who I believe was our first knight marshall)
> Philippe du Pays.....
> Does anybody remember Evian's son's name?
> or Sevron's real name?  (other than 'something japanese'?)
> or Blade's real name?
> or Patrick & Angelique's surnames?
> Hey Bors - Teleri is listed as Stargate, is that who she claims?
>  And when we were forced to define groups by zip code Sir Tarl insisted on
> being in the Loch (you can confirm with Sir Rhodri who was Stargate's
> seneschal at the time)
> and when Sir Sean still played he played with the Loch.
> And everybody knows Sigmund & Siglinde moved to Friendswood, which is
> clearly NOT Stargate, but I suppose we could defer to their wishes.
> Oh, and John of Severn isn't really ours, I think he belongs to Bryn Gwlad.
>  Our beloved zodiacus has reqested that only landed nobility, seneschals &
> heralds send updates for this, so if any of these ring a bell with you will
> you please send them on to her?
> I'm going to go rest now.  You young'un play quietly.
> Rebekah
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: "Zodiacus Herald" <zodiacus1 at gmail.com>
>  To: <ansteorra at lists.ansteorra.org>; <heralds at lists.ansteorra.org>
>  Sent: Sunday, August 17, 2008 10:58 PM
>  Subject: [Ansteorra] New feature in the online Order of Precedence -
>  yourhelp needed!
>  Greetings!
>  I'd like to thank Master Francois la Flamme, who has recently done a lot of
>  work to improve our online Order of Precedence.  I'm particularly excited
>  about the new Group Search functionality, which enables you to pull a
> report
>  of all the award recipients in a particular group, resulting in what is
>  effectively a local version of the OP.
>  Here's how you can try it out:
>  1. Go to http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/
>  2. Under "Interactive Search of the Roll of Precedence," click the *Group
>  Search* link.
>  3. Select your group from the drop down menu.
>  4. Choose either a simple list (names and precedence numbers only) or a
>  detailed list (names, precedence numbers, and awards).
>  However, I need your help to ensure that this functionality will produce
>  accurate and complete reports.  At this time, group affiliations must be
>  entered by hand, and many entries lack current group information.  Please
>  take a few minutes to check your own OP entry, and drop me a note if I need
>  to add or edit the name of your group.
>  To view your OP entry:
>  1. Go to http://heraldry.ansteorra.org/OP/
>  2. Under "Interactive Search of the Roll of Precedence," click the *Name
>  Search* link.
>  3. Type your name in the text bar and click *Search*.
>  4. Review the "Group from" box in the upper right corner of your OP entry –
>  it should contain the name of the group where you live.
>  5. If your group name is blank or incorrect, send me an email at
>  zodiacus at herald.ansteorra.org with the correct information.
>  Local heralds, seneschals, or nobility are welcome and encouraged to send a
> roster of corrections for members of their own group.  Otherwise, please
> send corrections only for your own entry.
>  Again, many thanks to Master Francois for all his hard work on this
> project!
>  In service,
> Sara Penrose
> Zodiacus Herald
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