[Loch-soilleir] Coastal fighters

Geneva Tanner tanner.g at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 22 12:12:42 PDT 2008

  Lady Gwen Makewin

Dave Wise <wiselaw at comcast.net> wrote:
  Hi all,
Wanted to touch base and get some information together. Lately there has
been a good bit of discussion about fighter practices and trying to make
adjustments to find out what works best.

A bit of news out of the Loch:
4. After much discussion on the email list about moving fighter practice,
last night the topic was presented to the populace. We discussed it and the
populace voted to move fighter practice to Frankie Carter Randolph Park on
2351. This move will take effect immediately and only affects the chivalric
fighters. The rapier fighters will continue to practice at University of
Houston main campus. So, this coming Tuesday the Loch will begin holding
fighter practice at Frankie Carter Randolph Park. Please contact the Knight
Marshal with your questions.

I'm not sure what this means for the Tuesday evening practices in terms of
who is likely to be fighting where on any given week. While overall our
number of fighters is down from where it has been in the past, I hear of
pockets of folks here and there getting together for practices. What I
would like to do is to see if we can improve on the communications amongst
our fighters so that we can have the best practices possible. To that end I
would like to rebuild the database we have had in the past as a step towards
getting the fighters together and to get them the resources they need for
gear and training to help everyone improve as much as they want.

I am anticipating that once I have the info together it can be used as a
simple way for folks to stay in touch and let others know when and where a
practice is going on. Often I have mentioned a practice to someone and they
commented 'had I only known I would have been there'. Whether they would or
wouldn't....who know....but either way it would be helpful to make sure
everyone knows about every opportunity to swing a stick.

So with that said, if anyone is interested in being 'in the loop' for
fighters, please send me the following:

Name- mundane and SCA


Can/do you host a practice?


phone number

preferences-interested in fighting or training, tournament or melee,
chocolate or vanilla (just checking to see if you're still reading this ;) )

issues: including schedule preference, transportation issues, armor issues,
etc. contact preferences.

I'll organize the information into a user friendly format. Of course if you
don't want some of the information disseminated, just let me know that also.

Please feel free to cross post to your local lists.


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Loch-Soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org

Geneva Tanner
  Independent Beauty Consultant
  -Mary Kay Cosmetics
  Future Dream Beeleivers
  www.marykay.com/gtanner1 Where you can shop in your pj's 

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