[Loch-soilleir] Loch Happenings

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 20:55:19 PST 2008

Your Excellency,
  I am not posting this off-list so that everyone can get some of the
reasoning behind the interesting things we are doing this year, even if they
cannot make it to the populace meetings.
  Our Barony thrives!  Loch members generally outnumber the Stargate
populace at  fighter practice (especially on the rapier field).
   As for the co-baronial, we are merely trying to shake things up & keep
the calendar uncluttered.  By having the Baronies host a Co-Baronial, we are
hoping to have something other than the standard "cookie-cutter"
championship and promote persona play using a pas-type format.  Or, at
least, that was the original attempt.  Both Baronies will choose their
marshal championships (Chiv, Rapier, Equestrian, and Archery) at this event.
   Squires & Cadets is a Kingdom level event (being an event that is not for
one group, not a Kingdom Championship or Collegium), much like Guardian of
the Gauntlet last April, that we are holding jointly so it does not count
against us (though not necessary in this case).  We are trying to bring back
this wonderful display of the various aspects of the Society and hoping the
resst of the Kingdom will join us.
   Our PED was given up *for this year only* due to conflicts.  It would not
have been wise to have another event a week or two after an event that we
just hosted AND a monthafter another event that we hosted.  We've done that
once.....I don't anyone wants to do that again anytime soon.  Also, people
would not be willing to come to Houston again that soon, so attendence would
be down.  Additionally, it would not be a good idea to host Squires & Cadets
on our PED because Elfsea Springfaire will be that same weekend and they are
hosting Guardian of the Gauntlet.  We would have lost most of the rapier
   We will still have Tourney By the Loch in October as our event.  We will
choose our A&S, Bardic, Dance, and Youth A&S Champions at TBtL like last
year.  Also, Stargate will hold their own Yule and choose their Bardic and
A&S Champions there.
   Our pop count is fine-well above the needed numbers for a Barony (or a
Province for that matter).  We are merely trying new things with our good
friends in Stargate and displaying our wonderful relation with the Barony
that we were once a part of, not returning our mother's womb.


On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 9:53 PM, <Baronman at aol.com> wrote:

> OK- let me see if I have this straight.
> The Loch shares fighter practice with Stargate
> The Loch now shares it's Baronial event with Stargate
> The Loch co-sponsors Squires with Stargate
> What happened to our protected date on the event calender- it appears to
> be
> gone?
> What is next- we turn in our barony status and become a canton of
>  Stargate?
> Somebody PLEASE- email me off list and tell me what is going on- Is our
> population count so low we can't sustain Barony status anymore - What is
> happening?
> Bors

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