[Loch-soilleir] Loch Sollier Chivalric Fighter Practice

Gilson, Matt (JSC-DI 43)[USA] matt.gilson-1 at nasa.gov
Tue Jul 22 13:31:26 PDT 2008

Let me offer my thoughts:

LOCATION:  For me, practice is currently ~20 minute drive, mostly on
interstate.  If we move it down here, it'll probably still be ~20 minute
drive, just on surface roads.  But, it will be closer for others (if
farther for our comrades in Stargate) and I totally agree on the issues
of recruitment, and especially local recruitment - the current location
does nothing for either.

TIME:  I've never liked the conflict between practice and populace.
But, it is the night people have set aside in their schedule (if they
are able to set one aside at all).  Sunday would not only conflict with
long events (bad), it would also conflict with the Stargate practice
(even worse in my opinion).

PRACTICALITY:  Ideally, whatever site we pursue should have a covered
area (for when it rains) and good lighting (for the short winter nights
- assuming we stay with a night).

SUGGESTION:  My first thought is to use Clear Lake Park.  Everyone knows
where it is, & it would fix the conflict with populace (we could combine
once a month).  I haven't looked into whether we could appropriate the
sm pavilion on rainy days...but we'd want to ask that question on any
potential site.


Matt Gilson - DI43

-----Original Message-----
From: loch-soilleir-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:loch-soilleir-bounces at lists.ansteorra.org] On Behalf Of Wissa
Sent: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 2:35 PM
To: coastal at lists.ansteorra.org; loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org
Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Loch Sollier Chivalric Fighter Practice

Greeting to the Populace,

For a few months we have been talking about changing the Loch Chivalric
Fighter Practice.  We currently hold our fighter practice on Stargate
on Tuesday nights.  The practice is often not well atteneded, and when
is, there are mostly fighters from the loch.  There has been talk  of
the practice closer to where more of the loch populace lives.  There are
main reasons for this that I see.  One is that with practice closer to
it will make attending practice easiler and less expensive for our
The second reason is recruitment.  We are not going to add any members
our populace if our only public event is a fighter practice held in
stargate.  Even stargate does not get recruitment from this practice,
has started a Sunday practice at Memorial Park.  Also when we do get new
memebers to our populace meetings, we then tell them to get to fighter
practice, its 30 miles away.

Next, the day of the week. People's lives are busier than ever.  If we
the practice to a local park, most likley we will be kicked out by 10pm.
That would get us all home at a decent hour (which would be a nice
Our other choice, would be to start a practice on Sunday like stargate
done.  For recuirtment we would have more face time with the public,
more people use the parks on weekends than weekdays.  Also we wouldn't
as many people running home from work, then having to rush out again
evening for practice.  The down side to moving the day its held if that
of the current fighters have Tuesday night carved out of their schedule
fighting.  Also the other day I've mostly heard suggested is Sunday, so
getting home from events in a hurry would be a new concern.

There are two questions to be answered:

1. Do we want to move practice down to the Loch
2. Do we want to keep it at the same time?

I'm currently activly seeking opinions on this issue.  I know there are
opnions out there, I've heard some.

Loch Sollier Knight Marshall
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