[Loch-soilleir] August Issue of The Serpent's Tale

Loch Chronicler loch.chronicler at gmail.com
Tue Jul 29 16:03:51 PDT 2008

Greetings unto the Loch!
The August issue of The Serpent's Tale is ready (and has been mailed).
There appears to have been a problem with my mailing list last month (either
I failed to save all the new additions or it had a "contact snack") -
hopefully I've gotten all the bugs ironed out now, and everyone that has
been signed up got an issue.

If you would like a copy of this *FREE* digital publication delivered hot
off the press to your inbox every month, please send an email to
loch.chronicler at gmail.com and I'll add you to the subscription list.

Remember that The Serpent's Tale is a great way to keep up with news from
the barony and the kingdom as well as read up on interesting articles and
recipes (and other submissions from the wonderful Loch populace).

Anne atte Rydeforde
Chronicler - Loch Soiller

As an addendum - those of you who were at the July populace meeting will
remember that there was a proposal made about the website.  Unfortunately
the site package in question was not compliant with kingdom requirements,
and so I'm back to square one (so to speak).  Fortunately, no money was
spent!  My thanks for your patience - AR.

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