[Loch-soilleir] Fiber Arts - CANCELLED

Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh wyllowmacm at netscape.net
Sun Sep 14 18:24:49 PDT 2008

Greetings unto the rather swampy Loch!

Fiber Arts & UFO is cancelled this week.? (Hedwig, add one to your list: Only deaths, births, and straight-on hurricanes can cancel Fiber Arts!)

Belle & I are fine, staying with Meliora.? No power,?no running?water, and horrible?messenger services (I hope this one gets through)?- but we do have food, rainwater & drinking water, shelter, and fellowship - the four essentials to survival.? I hope everyone else is as blessed.

Hopefully, next week's Fiber Arts & UFO?will meet.? If we still have no power, maybe I'll teach underwater basketweaving on the back porch...

--H.L. Willoc mac Muiredaig

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