[Loch-soilleir] Site token for Lochotberfest

Donna Nesbit themaefare at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 29 14:51:43 PDT 2009

I would be willing to help cut, sew, or stuff.
--- On Fri, 8/28/09, Holly Compton <widow_elspet at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Holly Compton <widow_elspet at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Site token for Lochotberfest
To: loch-soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org
Date: Friday, August 28, 2009, 5:13 PM

I have offered to handle site tokens for Lochotberfest.  It's going to be a white muslin bag with a woodblock print. (filled with candy)
While I am able to find many extant woodblocks for this project, I wondered if anyone would like to do an original design for the project?
It needs to be about 4x4.  Then we will carve it on a linoleum printing block.
The goal is something that is slightly usable when the candy is gone.  If anyone has any ideas about what that might be?  
If you are interested in helping with this please let me know.  I was thinking 75-100.
It will involve rotary cutting, pressing, printing one evening.  Sewing the seams, a draw string and filling the candy a second night.  So, 3 or 4 people 2 evenings.
In Service,

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