[Loch-soilleir] questions about Gothic

Matt Gilson madogofglastonbury at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 31 16:15:01 PDT 2009

Not having been to Gothic before, I have a few questions:


Is the site RV friendly? (I saw something about power & water available, but that doesn't always mean the same thing, & there was the "all vehicles out by 9am" clause).


Is there a particular area that Loch / Coastal / whoever usually camps, that I should look for?


Is the War Chest similar to Three Kings?  (Donate an item - any item - and then they're divvied out to the winning side)


For that matter, what are the sides?


Sorry, but I haven't paid close attention to the event announcements in past years, & I can't find details on the web site.



(not a newcomer, but not afraid to ask the questions the newcomers might benefit from too)

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