[Loch-soilleir] A&S Reports

swordfrog swordfrog at gmail.com
Thu Mar 5 08:49:15 PST 2009

I am more than wanting to share this gal...3/4 gal...1/2 gal....pin...quart
of wine with anyone...grin.

On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 10:44 AM, Galen of Ockham <loch.moas at gmail.com>wrote:

> swordfrog scripsit:
> > Alas Master Galen,
> >        My muse was greatly stilled this past month, for i did but one
> true
> > project in the Arts. I know tis an art for if shown some disappears. My
> > blackberry wine has been bottled and my blueberry tis ready for the
> bottle.
> > i just hope some makes it thru its shelf life for events to come but  i
> fear
> > it has made my muse drunk with excitement for its next libation creation.
> >
> > Hum....hic...hum....hic
> > happily besotted
> > Gunthar Waldmann
> >
> Gunther,
> Thank you for your report. As Loch MoAS, I think I need to inspect your
> works before declaring it a successful experiment!
> Galen
> --
> Magister Galenus Ockhamnesis
> Friar Galen of Ockham, OP
> MoAS, Barony of Loch Soilleir
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