[Loch-soilleir] Fiber Arts Monday night @ 7:00pm

Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh wyllowmacm at netscape.net
Mon Oct 12 06:07:03 PDT 2009

Greetings unto the Fiber Artists of the Loch!

It is the second Monday of the month - and a night to focus on our  
Fiber Arts!  Or any related skill: knitting mail, constructing looms,  
casting spindle whorls, spinning tales, de-hairing vellum, and so on.

I have a special treat on this Monday.  A stealthy SCAdian seamstress  
in the neighborhood has cleaned out one of her rooms of fabric.   
Half, she resigned to Goodwill.  The decent stuff is all in my garage  
sorted for easy searching, looking for a good home.  Velvets,  
tapestry, silks/rayons, cotton lightweight/broadcloth/twill,  
imitation furs, wools, linen/linen-blends, trim, patterns.  Also, I  
have an unopened bag of finished garb, although it is probably mostly  
for tall, willowy, underfed women.

Maggie: There is some nice wide-striped cloth for your embroidery  
classes.  And some great car-colors.
Sile: There is an unusual bit of yellow-ish wool you might like.  And  
I've saved some of the white cotton for Newcomer chemises/undertunics.
Rhiannan/Katya: There's a black-on-grey ?Middle Eastern? patterned  
cloth that you might find interesting.
Hedwig - I've pulled out some khaki green twills.  Maybe we can  
finish that cloak.  And there's an eye-bleeding turquoise cotton that  
one of your daughters might like.  And another cotton in the peach  
from Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry.
Anyone need flaming red cotton?  Or a bolt of orange twill?  Or  
scraps of a yellow laurel-pattern brocade? Or tons of stretchy green  
velvet?  Or a yard of red cotton velvet?  Or a couple yards of fine  
white "fur"?

Please, come and dig for treasures.  Then sit back and relax with a  
cup of tea and a book of ideas for outfits.

In Service,
H.L. Willoc mac Muiredaig
PH 281-316-0764
Address: 207 Sweetgum, League City.  (West of I-45, near the  
crossroads of Bay Area Blvd and FM518)

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