[Loch-soilleir] Question regarding Charter Painting

Kimberly Langhans sarapenrose at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 22 16:01:18 PDT 2010

Hi all,

My two most reliable Monday-night regulars are off to grad school this fall 
(we'll miss you, Brian and Elfwyn!), so I wanted to check to see what the 
current interest level is for charter painting. I know there are a lot of people 
who tell me they'd like to come, but are not coming currently. So, is there 
another night that would be better for everyone?

I'm going to go ahead with this month's meeting at usual (tomorrow night), but 
would consider moving the day of the week going forward after that. If there 
isn't enough interest, I will likely cancel the regular meeting and make scribal 
activities available upon request instead.

Thanks for any feedback you might have!

Kind regards,


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