[Loch-soilleir] Loch Shed

Bill Butler chemistbb3 at yahoo.com
Thu Feb 18 11:53:33 PST 2010

In the Loch shed there are a number of golf tubes and a lot of gulf tube "bungie-llista" ammuntion.  I do not know of anything that we can now do with these items.  The ammunition is no longer legal and the golf tubes can not be used for any Ansteorran legal marshalate purpose that I am aware of.

Unless anyone wants these items, I think we should dispose of them to make some room in the shed.  Comments?

Also, at the last Populace, it was mentioned that the owner of the storage shed facility was replacing the doors to the sheds.  The doors are the same style, but they are a heaver and better engineered sheet metal.  (Just in case anyone is interested.)



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