[Loch-soilleir] Fiber Arts returns for June

Wyllow MacMuireadhaigh wyllowmacm at netscape.net
Sat Jun 5 16:20:00 PDT 2010

I heard the protests - and so did Someone Else, removing the conflict.
We WILL be meeting for Fiber Arts & UFO (Un-Finished Objects) for the  
month of June.

In fact, we will be starting off a new Sheep-to-Shawl series of  
classes, for anyone who is interested.  Following is the tentative  
June 7 - Combing & Teasing wool clean - if you have them, bring an  
old "pick-comb" and a fine metal comb ("dread" or "lice" comb)
June 14 - Dyeing "In the Wool"
June 21 - Carding Wool (I have combs to share)
June 28 - Spinning Wool (Plan to have prepared your own wool -  
teasing, carding, combing it)
That will leave us all of July to turn the yarn into something useful.
Please let me know if you plan to come for the classes, so I can make  
sure a sufficient quantity of supplies are on-hand.  I will also plan  
a bit extra for any last-minute summer guests you talk into joining you.

And, as usual, all artisans & scholars are welcome to bring their own  
projects to work on in good company, or come for a cup of tea and an  
evening of book perusal.  We meet from 7-9 pm at 207 Sweetgum, League  

In Service to the Loch Flock,
--H.L. Wylloc mac Muiredaig
PH: 281-316-0764

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