[Loch-soilleir] May Populace notes

Denise Jurgens mdjurgens at hotmail.com
Tue May 18 19:52:13 PDT 2010

Greetings everyone!   
     Highlights from tonight's Populace meeting:
  Congrats to HE Cateau for a great May Day event.  The feast was by far one of the best I've ever eaten and a good time was had by all.
  We are in dire need of an autocrat and feast steward for Lochtoberfest (Sept. 25).  Please contact me, Lady Mairi, or their Excellencies Rhiannon and Cael if you are interested in autocrating or cooking for this fabulous event!
  Our chronicler Onora needs your original artwork for the Serpent's Tale.  She will take either scanned or paper copies.  The work must be accompanied with signed permission from the artist that she can publish it in the Serpent's Tale.
I hope to see everyone at the June populace meeting (3rd Tuesday of the month)!
In Service,
Lady Mairi M'Donnyle
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