[Loch-soilleir] Scribal Guild for Nov, Dec, and Jan

Kathy Gilmour katg at entouch.net
Thu Nov 4 15:19:07 PDT 2010

I would hate for you to have for just 1 person...if more are interested,
count me in.

-----Original Message-----
From: loch-soilleir-bounces+katg=entouch.net at lists.ansteorra.org
[mailto:loch-soilleir-bounces+katg=entouch.net at lists.ansteorra.org] On
Behalf Of Kimberly Langhans
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2010 10:00 PM
To: Loch Soilleir Announcements
Subject: [Loch-soilleir] Scribal Guild for Nov, Dec, and Jan

Hi all,

Please let me know as soon as possible whether there is any interest in
the guild meeting in November. Our date falls on November 22, which is the 
Monday immediately preceding Thansgiving. If folks are unavailable due to 
holiday plans, I will cancel for next month. However, if there are a few
interested, I can host at my house.

Guild is cancelled for December because of the Christmas holidays.

We had such a good time at Lady Anne's lovely house last week that we are 
planning to meet at her place again in January. Many thanks to Karl and Anne
hosting us!

Kind regards,

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