[Loch-soilleir] Loch Yule

Donna Nesbit themaefare at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 12 18:39:36 PST 2011

To the Populace of the Barony of Loch Soilleir does Penelope Miriam Darling send greetings,
I come to you as the Hospitaler of the Loch feeling in dire straits.  As I have made known to you in previous missives, I had hip replacement surgery on December 5.  As a result, I am unable to drive for the entire month of December.  Because of my location, this means that it is also difficult for  me to catch rides.  Therefore, I am requesting assistance with two things.
First, if anyone that has attendeded, hosted, or oversaw and acitity, please let me know how many attended, how many were newcomers, and how many inquiries were made about the activity.  This includes fighter practice, A&S at Hobby Lobby, Loch Yule, as well as other activities.
Second, we have had several newcomers make inquiries about Loch Yule.  We have one that might need tranportation from Richmond/Rosenberg.  Also several may need garb. My 
deputy, Kathryn Gyles, offered to meet someone with the garb.  So far, it seems the only option given is for her to bring the garb to the Yule site  the morning of Yule.  She is in charge of a complete dress rehearsal  for a Christmas pageant the next day.  Surely, there is someone that could meet her in Alvin sometime before Saturday.  If you're able to do this, please contact her or me.
I call upon the  awesome Barony the Loch for help in these issues.

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