[Loch-soilleir] A&S @ Hobby Lobby last night

Ledonna Mcgowan ledmcgowan at gmail.com
Sat Nov 10 17:10:00 PST 2012

We had 16 people at Hobby Lobby with lots of art going on. There were hoods
being cut out and sewing as well as inkle and card weaving being taught and
lucet cord being made. We talked about bardic and decided on a location and
music for a bardic/ madrigal night (thanks Biatrichi Di
Palermo<https://www.facebook.com/janebretz>and Etienne
de Montagu <https://www.facebook.com/tfbretz> for opening your home).
Aprons were discussed and even Awesomeness and confusion were practiced
last night. (hey what can you expect when the rapier fighters all show up
for A&S...)


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