[Loch-soilleir] Exciting Opportunity!

Neisha Walker-Williams taliagracesca at hotmail.com
Wed Jan 8 18:13:56 PST 2014

Greetings populace of Loch Soilleir and Stargate! As many of you know HL Genevieve and I have been
communicating with Park View Intermediate School in Pasadena about participating in
their History Fair on Saturday, January 25, 2014 from 9:00-4:00.  This is an excellent opportunity for us to
reach several people of varying age groups. They would like our demonstrations
to be as interactive as possible so we need several volunteers to help!  We will be able to educate throughout the day
and will also have times set up for specific groups to do presentations.  Please contact me directly at taliagracesca at hotmail.com if you have
any questions and are willing to assist! 
Here are examples of what we would like to see represented: *
Heavy fighting*
Rapier fighting*
Archery* We
can have a table with info and videos about equestrian arts but, sadly, due to
liability concerns, not the horses.*
Calligraphy and Illumination *
Bardic Arts*
Blacksmithing *
Leather working*
Sewing, embroidery, lace making, weaving, and other fiber arts*
European and Middle Eastern dance  I’m
sorry Brewer’s, we will have to wait for a non-school event to show off your
work!  Additional
information and guidelines will be distributed as we move closer to the date.  Thank
you all for your help and participation. 
You are what makes the SCA great! TaliaLoch

Exciting Opportunity 


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