[Loch-soilleir] Thank you - Loch Soilleir/Stargate Co-Baronial Equestrian Championship

Elena Wyth elenawyth at gmail.com
Mon May 5 13:23:47 PDT 2014

Greetings, all! I want to again thank everyone who was able to make it to
our Co-Baronial Equestrian Championship this weekend! I hope you were all
able to relax and enjoy the company of friends as we start AS 49.

First, many thanks to Lady Robin of Cambria for the use of her land. It was
an amazing site, and I hope we’re able to impose upon you again!

Thanks to Baron William, Their Excellencies Sir Karl and Mistress Kasilda,
and all those who brought pavilions and shared their shade. Also my thanks
go to Duchess Ebegardis, who handled sanitation for the event. The event
would have been far less comfortable without your assistance.

There are many people that make this event run smoothly, and I can’t begin
to thank them enough. For those who arrived Friday to assist – you are more
appreciated than you can ever know. Thank you Lady Hennessey, Baroness
Katya, Karen, George, Lord Diego, Alistair, Meister Tristan, Lady Maherra,
Lord Roland, Lord Yamai, Don Brian O’hUilliam, and Lord Davy.

Thanks to Lady Hennessey who ran Gate, and those who helped gate run
smoothly: HL Magdalena, Baroness Katya, Lady Lessa, and Lord Orin. Thanks
also to Lord Quinton who donated his time and supplies for the gate tokens
and Lady Talia who served as parking attendant!

Additional thanks go to Their Excellencies Stargate, Baron Robert and
Baroness Cristyana for coordinating a lovely feast. Grillmaster Lord
Michael de Eyrie, Lord Hywel, HL Anne, Lady Michelle, HL Sarra, and Lord
Orin did a great job cooking and serving the feast.

A personal thank you goes to Their Excellencies Loch Soilleir, Baron Cael
and Baroness Rhiannon – as a first-time event steward, they put up with
more than their fair share of questions, emails and messages and I cannot
thank them enough for allowing me the opportunity to run this event.

Thanks to Lord Quinton for hosting an awesome rapier tournament on behalf
of the the Company of St. Ignatius  – they had 10 fighters compete, with
Lord Diego Fortuna de Almeria ending the day in triumph.
Thanks also go to Lord Oliver who stood ready to fight with any brave
enough to enter the chivalric field.

Thanks to Lord Davy for hosting an archery shoot. He had 14 archers and 4
youth archers join him on the archery field.

And additional thanks to all marshals, list ministers, scorekeepers, ground
crew, and heralds for their efforts.  You work so others can play!  It is
greatly appreciated.

Loch and Stargate’s A&S Champions, Lady Maherra and Mistress Delphina,
respectively, were able to host a wonderful A&S display and populace vote
contest. HL Brenna MacDonald won the hearts of the populace with her
doublet and jerkin – a project that was entered as an unfinished project
two weeks ago during the first part of our Co-Baronials!

The end of the day truly illustrated how many hands make light work - and I
thank you all for helping us tear down, load up, and clean the areas we

Thank you all again for making our Equestrian Co-Baronial event a success.

-Lady Elena Wyth

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