[Loch-soilleir] Tell me about your A&S!

Kathy Cofrin kcofrin at flash.net
Tue Nov 25 14:02:49 PST 2014

most everything I'm working on is mundane.  I finished a pair of socks for my grandson, I discovered the Tunisian stitch (crochet) and am churning out potholders for family and friends.  I made a jerkin for Quinton ( that could be seen on him at BAM) and have a doublet and several pair of pants to finish for him.  I will be adding an applique of the artisan's badge to the Ravensfort artisan's cloak.

Kathy Cofrin
Baroness Katya

Eagles may soar, but weasels never get sucked into jet engines!

On Monday, November 24, 2014 11:24 AM, Elena Wyth <moas at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org> wrote:

>Hello Loch!
>*MoAS Hat on* It's that time of the month where I get to brag about all the
>amazing things folks in the barony are doing! Please let me know about your
>amazing adventures with the arts and sciences - teaching, research,
>writing, creating - I want to hear the good and the bad. You can reply to
>this email, or email directly to moas at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org.
>In service,
>Lady Elena Wyth
>Loch-Soilleir mailing list
>Loch-Soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org

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