[Loch-soilleir] Mailing list

Elena Wyth elenawyth at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 14:46:55 PDT 2015

Hello and welcome!

We have a calendar on our website (http://loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org/)
with some information regarding practice times,
http://loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org/. Both Chivalric and Rapier practice
Tuesday nights in Pearland. Centurion Oliver the Faithful leads chivalric,
and Alister Rousseau runs rapier.  We also host practices for archery (Lord
Davy) and Equestrian (Lady Robin) every first and third Sundays.

The first Tuesday of every month we have Populace in the Clear Lake area.

There are several options for A&S nights - we try to get those published in
the newsletter, and on the calendar. I can send you more information on who
to talk to if you're interested in anything in particular. I can also get
you the last edition of the newsletter, and add you to the mailing list if
you're interested.

We have a very active facebook group, if you're on that form of social
media, and we do try to cross post to the mailing list.

Let us know if you have any specific questions!

Lady Elena Wyth
Chronicler, Loch Soilleir
Minister of Arts and Sciences, Loch Soilleir

On Mon, Apr 13, 2015 at 4:24 PM, Patrick Smith <medic7772004 at yahoo.com>

> Hello, my name is Patrick Smith (SCA: Pesach). I come from the East
> Kingdom. I was part of a household named Orions Gate. I was a Warranted
> Chiurgan, and had received my AOA from the East as Well. Trying to get more
> info on your group, practice locations, and that sort of thing.
> Thanks
> Patrick aka. Pesach.
> _______________________________________________
> Loch-Soilleir mailing list
> Loch-Soilleir at lists.ansteorra.org
> http://lists.ansteorra.org/listinfo.cgi/loch-soilleir-ansteorra.org

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