[Loch-soilleir] Reporters wanted for Coastal Grand Baronial!

Chronicler of Loch Soilleir chronicler at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Tue Apr 28 10:49:45 PDT 2015

Hello all!

I'm looking for a few good reporters for this weekend's Coastal Grand
Baronial event!

We've been given permission to hold back the publication of our newsletter
to announce our new champions, and I'd like to run a few articles on the
event as well!

If you suspect you'll spend some time in one area or the other, and think
you can get me an article/review by Wednesday, the 6th of May - I'd love to
recruit you for this special edition!

This article can be an overview of one of the competitions, your
impressions of court or the A&S Displays, or even a broad review of the
entire event.

If you are interested in helping, please send me an email at
chronicler at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org.

Many thanks!

Lady Elena Wyth
Chronicler, Loch Soilleir

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