[Loch-soilleir] August Serpent's Tale released!

Chronicler of Loch Soilleir chronicler at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Tue Aug 4 08:15:40 PDT 2015

Another month flies by with the Loch representing the Coast, the South and
the Kingdom with style, grace, and amazing skill!

Are you going to be able to read all about it?

   - Two articles from Lord Marcus on Roman Technology
   - Calls for classes from our cousins, input on Brewer's Guild, notes
   from the officers and guild masters
   - Overview of King's Round Table including words from: Kingdom
   Exchequer, Kingdom Seneschal, Media Liaison, Kingdom Chronicler, Star
   Signet, and Kingdom Missile Marshal
   - Words from Society regarding the closing of the Chirurgeonate and
   using Amazon Smile.

If you aren't on the mailing list and would like to be included, just shoot
me an email atchronicler at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org!

Have you ever wanted to write more about your A&S projects or research
style? Perhaps you have the burning desire to publish articles on something
marshallate related? I've got great news for you! I'm hoping to put
together two special editions of the Serpent's Tale! But that means I'll
need input and articles from YOU! The amazing members of this fantastic
barony. If you have an interest in helping put together one (or both!) of
these special editions, please feel free to shoot me a message!

Lady Elena Wyth
Chronicler, Barony of Loch Soilleir

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