[Loch-soilleir] July Serpent's Tale released!

Chronicler of Loch Soilleir chronicler at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org
Sun Jul 5 19:14:08 PDT 2015

Are you on the Serpent's Tale mailing list? Then you've got the next
edition available to you!

Have you been holding back, waiting for that right moment to subscribe?
Afraid to take the plunge and get the latest and greatest news the Loch as
to offer? If you are, you're missing out on another fantastic edition,
filled with information on Archery and Thrown Weapons practice location
changes, an event review by Don Brian, another fascinating article on Roman
technology by Lord Marcus, a rundown of the rules of Bocce Ball by HL
Maggie, and Lady Delphina shares with us her handout, "SCA Life,
Substitutions, and Score Sheets: Kingdom Arts & Sciences Competition," a
run down of what is and to expect from Kingdom A&S.

If you aren't on the list and would like to be included, just shoot me an
email at chronicler at loch-soilleir.ansteorra.org!

Lady Elena Wyth
Chronicler, Loch Soilleir

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