[Loch-soilleir] A&S display and Docu-Match at Co-Baronials May 7th

Elena Wyth elenawyth at gmail.com
Tue Apr 12 14:51:43 PDT 2016

Their Excellencies Loch Soilleir and Stargate, along with Their A&S
Champions, invite one and all to the Co-Baronial A&S display!  Both
completed and in-progress projects are welcomed!

There will not one, but TWO Populace Choice contests: 1. Best Display and
2. Best Documentation. There will be prizes and word fame for both

The display will be held under one of the main permanent pavilions on site,
which means it will be outside, but covered, so please keep this in mind
when planning your display. Set up will begin Saturday morning after Court
and close at 11AM.  All entries must be picked up by 4PM.


Aside from this great display, there is an opportunity to get help with
documentation.  Introducing Docu-Match!

Are you a Laurel looking to help others with their documentation? Are you
an artisan looking to up your documentation game? We would love to hear
from you! We would like to host a Docu-Match program, helping artisans and
laurels come together for the betterment of SCA documentation.  Please let
us know if you are willing to help out or interested in finding a

If you have any questions, feel free to contact Lady Elena at
elenawyth at gmail.com or Lord Rolff at big_lug at sbcglobal.net

In Service,
Lady Elena Wyth

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