[Loch-soilleir] From KSen: Baronial Polling - Absentee Procedures

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 18:28:15 PDT 2016


Greetings Unto the Populace of Loch Soilleir!

The polling of the populace will be held at July Populace on July 5th.
Remember that you do not need to be a paid member to poll. Also, if you do
not live in the Zip codes assigned to Loch Soilleir, but still play with
the Barony, you are absolutely welcomed to poll!
July 5th will be the only poll to take place.

For those who are unable to attend, you can still poll. The process is
simple. All you need to do is email the Kingdom Seneschal at
kingdom at seneschal.ansteorra.org between July 6th and July 12th. I will send
you a ballot which you can fill out and return to me via e-mail. All
“absentee” ballots must be received by the Kingdom Seneschal NO LATER THAN
11:59 p.m. on July 15th or they will not be counted. I will confirm receipt
of ballots, however, be mindful that sending a ballot at 11:59 p.m. on
Friday the 15th may mean that I will not be able to confirm receipt until
the next day or later, depending on my schedule.

These absentee ballots are meant for those who are unable to attend the
July 5th polling. Polling multiple times will NOT be permitted.

A reminder about the rules as discussed previously:
- There should be no discussion of candidates on Baronial email lists,
forums, or social media sites. Updates to and questions about the polling
process, of course, are permitted, but discussion about candidates and
platforms, etc. are prohibited. This applies to ALL (not just the
candidates) and is to encourage a clean and friendly selection process.
- All polling forms will be collected and verified. How people vote will be
held in the highest confidence. No candidates will see the filled out
polling forms.
- Speeches from the candidates are allowed, but there will not be a Q&A
session at the meeting. Anyone who wishes to discuss matters with the
candidates is encouraged to discuss it with candidates individually. Again,
this applies to ALL (not just the candidates) and is to encourage a clean
and friendly selection process.

If you have read this far, congratulations! See you at July Populace for
the polling.

In Service,
Kingdom Seneschal
kingdom at seneschal.ansteorra.org

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