[Loch-soilleir] Loch Yule - THIS SATURDAY!

Brian O'hUilliam brianoftheloch at gmail.com
Mon Nov 28 20:22:32 PST 2016

What time is it? YULE TIME!
That’s right folks, Loch Soilleir is proud to present Loch Yule 2016: A
Yule You’ll Remember.
THIS SATURDAY will the Loch Soilleir office party!

We’re bringing back everyone’s favorite activities:
- Boar Hunt (with a twist)
- Period Golf/Putt-Putt
- Costume Contest (Using Past Yule Themes - Get Creative!)
- Table Decorating Contest (Using Past Yule Themes - Get Creative!)
- Charter Painting Table
- Stockings
- Board Games
- Desert Competition (Theme is Peppermint)
- Pot Luck Feast (Nobility & Royalty bring meat, everyone else bring side -
Contact Duchess Ebe for info)

Site: Clear Lake Presbyterian Church (1511 El Dorado Blvd, Houston, Texas

There is no site fee; however, our gracious hosts are holding a toy drive.
Please bring an unwrapped toy to brighten the season of those in need and
to thank our hosts.

Site opens at 10 am to set up with activities at beginning at 11 am, so
rest up that morning to prepare for the fun! See you Saturday!

For more information, check out the Facebook event page:

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